
Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Summer 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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No Strava users???

It seems like no one here is using Strava? I have tried to search the forum but apparently "strava" has not been mentioned one single time. Is that a club (I know you are strictly not a club ) agreement that you do not talk about that? In that case I apologise

Did you know that most of the pub rides are covered with Strava segments? For example this ride from a Tuesday in the beginning of this month: http://app.strava.com/activities/86304444 Or if you a going to Thetford you will also find tons of segments to compete on: http://app.strava.com/activities/90269635

Besides that it is motivating to compete on these segments, on your own or in a group, it is just a nice tool to collect and get an overview of you rides and training.

Off cause you can track with your Garmin, but you can also download their Iphone or Android app and then track with your phone. It will then automatically synchronise your ride with your online Strava account.

Re: No Strava users???

I think a few people on here do use it, Geordie Nige and Ali are on it I think.

My phone doesn't last long enough so I am on it but I hardly use it, and pretty much only for short road rides.

Re: No Strava users???

I think most people are more worried about what beer the pub will have on & whether the'll get turfed out at 11pm.
I personally do not want to publish the rides we do as some are a little....well you know! This means I/we do not want everyone to know these routes............Also keeps erosion down in lots of areas.
If they want to explore.....Get a map.
Anyway, isn't it a ro*die thing?

Re: No Strava users???

Tuppence worth Duncan
I think most people are more worried about what beer the pub will have on & whether the'll get turfed out at 11pm.
I personally do not want to publish the rides we do as some are a little....well you know! This means I/we do not want everyone to know these routes............Also keeps erosion down in lots of areas.
If they want to explore.....Get a map.
Anyway, isn't it a ro*die thing?

Answering from the back, no I do not think it is just a rodie thing. As soon as you can create a segment and Strava can match it with other rides, then it applies. Besides that mountainbikers can also be geeks who enjoins to convert their rides into numbers and collect them in a log book to look back on. From that point of view Strava is not much different from the Garmin connect platform except that Strava also has a social dimension.

For sure I understand that it can be necessary to be a bit discreet about some rides. But Strava has a number of possibilities to be discreet. You can choose to make you profile private such that only those users that you have approved to be on your friends list can see you rides, or you can choose to hide specific rides such that only you can see them. Another safety feature, which is slightly off-topic but still relevant, is that you can create a private zone of variable size. This private zone could for example be around your home or where you store your bike such that other users cannot see exactly where your rides begin and end.

Finally if people are worried about getting turfed out at 11pm then maybe the Strava segments would give that last piece of motivation to ride fast enough to make that worry unnecessary

But yes anyway. I was just wondering...

Re: No Strava users???

Yes, I know what you mean, I have used sports tracker for the last four years & I only 'Reveal all' to four people, So......that's all my friends