Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Winter 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

We've discussed it, Bertie has reignited the subject............ DOES ANYONE FANCY A SATURDAY OR Sunday RIDE THIS SUMMER????
Something sort of like an evening ride but a lighter in atmo/uv..........nofping difficult, just a yeah mon (Yeaman) type thing.......... Up the Libs.............I wish I'd been a teacher(fpppffff yer right)
Hang on Duncan.. You need to sort this political minefield tangent Sh!T oooot


whadda yow reackon????!????!???!?

Re: Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

Hmmm. 11.20pm

Re: Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

Sunday night in the Three Horse shoes can be rather entertaining
You ought to see the state of the people who've been in there since lunch time

Anyway, what about these weekend rides?

Re: Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

Why not.

What sort of format are you thinking Duncan? Once a month as has been tried previously, Saturday or Sunday, am or pm.

My preference would be for first thing on a Sunday morning to minimise disruption and maximise the chance of me getting out!

Re: Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

i'm interested, but like Paul said first thing on a sunday is most likly to get past the fun police.
also i have a regular work commitment on the second saturday of the month, so for me to stand a chance it would need to be a different weekend to that.

Re: Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

I'm up for it, but can't commit to a specific day. Fri, Sat or Sun mornings may or may not be good for me, so I'll have to try and keep an eye on the forum and see what's going on. I don't 'do' Face-a-gram.

So, my preference would be:

Thurs at some point someone posts saying something like...
...'I'm planning on riding this Fri/Sat/Sun. Meet 830am Brookside/Addenbrooke's roundabout/BCP, etc. 3/4/5, etc hours total. Anyone else coming?'

Does that work for anyone?


Re: Blinking Blonking Weekenders!?!?!?!???!??!??

sounds like a plan
will keep an eye out