Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Winter 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Train out bike back 2/6/15

Okay, apparently, rather than make suggestions to form any kind of group decision I NEED to organise this!

Baldock & Back it is.
18.55 train from Cambridge ( or could catch from Shelford/Foxton) arriving in Baldock for 19.26
Ride back (don't worry Pastey we won't be going anywhere near the pea fields or alleged mud of Morden Grange Plantation) 25 miles back to Shepreth or 27 to The Royal Oak in Barrington.
If you want an assisted ride home trains from Shepreth station to Cambridge run at 21.48 (Pffff), 22.14, 22.48, 23.14 & 23.48 or if you want to ride back to Brookside the mileage will be around the 34/36 type thing assuming you go via Cantelupe Farm.
We've done this twice before & I (although slightly slimmer then) and others enjoyed it. Pace will be the usual longee (slower than a usual Tuesday thrash) more a bimble type thing
Would really prefer NOT TO CATCH the 19.25 from Cambridge as this all makes things a bit of a rush
I think I'm going to ride to and from Shepreth as that's easiest from mine.
Any takers?

Would be nice to know nowish to see if it's a goer or not so that I can have time to organize a baby sitter.

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

It sounds great Duncan but Ade is out that night so I won't be able to make it.
I am sure you will have some takers.

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Sounds good, I am planning on riding. Will aim to catch the train from Cambridge and will ride back into town afterwards from either Shepreth or Barrington.

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Can't make the ride due to work, another good ride missed.

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

I'm afraid not due to campaigning for another overseas award but it sounds like a good ride

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Hi Duncan,

I am planning to be out on this ride. Looks like Shepreth is best for me too. I like the sound of the bimble pace too!

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Hi, Duncan

If its not raining I would like to join you on the ride tomorrow.

I will be taking the train from Cambridge, where are you planing on meeting?


Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Hi, Duncan

If its not raining I would like to join you on the ride tomorrow.

I will be taking the train from Cambridge, where are you planing on meeting?


Hi Errol,
We are meeting at Baldock Station, shortly after 19:26 hrs. Looks like I will be catching the train at Shepreth at 19:08 hrs. It's going to be a tad windy, but dry, according to the Met Office. Hopefully more will post during the day.....

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

can i come along to this? i can get to baldock on time.
ive been out with a few before last summer. hope my legs burn in a nice way. ill be a stragler on a red garyfisher

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

I will be at Cambridge station for the 18.55 (hopefully)

I'll be the guy with the mountain bike


Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

got back! found some down hill! and a train.
sounds like im tipsy but im not. i think thats a in joke for the night.

tommora i might retrace just because i can find my breath again.

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

got back! found some down hill! and a train.
sounds like im tipsy but im not. i think thats a in joke for the night.

tommora i might retrace just because i can find my breath again.

CERN, thanks very much for posting that you got back OK. Am sure the fitness will come!

While I'm at it, thanks to Duncan for a top hole route. Which got us in to the Barrington Oak for 22:00 precisely . Long may these seasonal excursions continue.

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Does anyone fancy another ride like this in the near future/long evenings now??

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

I couldn't make it out this week, but i'd certainly be up for more of this !

Re: Train out bike back 2/6/15

Does anyone fancy another ride like this in the near future/long evenings now??

Yes please, and a Thursday would suit me (and a few others?) better