
Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

Click on the "return to website" button to see our new website with loads more details of who we are, where and when we ride and much more.



  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Summer 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Bike-friendly car for sale in Comberton

Hi All, sorry to spam the forum with more stuff to sell, but I'm leaving next month and hopefully someone might be interested.

I had planned to donate my car to Oxfam, but they don't have the resources to do anything but scrap it so I'd prefer to sell it and give them some more money than the scrap price and not waste a car that runs great...

It's a 2002 reg Astra Estate and we have fitted three mountain bikes and three people in there for a peak trip without any kind of rack, so it's pretty roomy for bikes. Little (treated) rust in the rear right wheel arch and stone chips on the bonnet otherwise good nick. Lots of new bits in the last 3 years while we've been here including tyres, timing belt, catalyst and lambda sensors. MOT until April, 120,300 miles.
Thinking around £450 but negotiable (we paid £700 in 2012, but paid a fair bit more than that to have it in good nick and have only driven it for occasional peak trips and not commuting!).

Also still got some bike bits and pieces as listed in my last post too and furniture and everything in my life, all going for low low prices (or to charity if nobody wants them) before I pack up into a suitcase and head home.
Thanks for making Cambridge more bearable. Back to Canberra and dust for me!


Re: Bike-friendly car for sale in Comberton

Hi Jason,

I just moved to cambridge - and have an empty house that I need to fill with some furniture. I am mainly looking for storage (chests of drawers/hanging rails etc.)

If you have the good stuff maybe we can strike a deal. What is the best way to contact you?

I may also be interested in some 26er parts :-)
