
Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

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Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

Hi all,
Just thought I would post about my strange latex inner tube that just decided to puncture all by itself while I was cutting the grass. I was in the back garden and my bike down the alleyway and I heard a loud hissing sound. Hmmm this sounds like a tire going down wonder if it could be mine - ah yes it is, totally flat in seconds!! Take the latex inner out and there is a small hole on the seam. Checked the tire wall inside and out and nothing in there at all. Tried to patch but as the hole is on the seam the air is just leaking out the patch. Inner is approx 1yr old, looks like the seam was weak and just decided to go! Had about 30psi in there so nothing crazy.

Anyone else had the same happen to them?


Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

A few folk seem to have had some issues with the tubes failing - I think around the seams. I think there was a dodgy batch produced. Pasty certainly had issues. With the tubes.

Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

I had the same after I used a road bike wheel to test out a repair to my track pump. After about ten minutes sitting at about 80 psi there was a pop, then sudden deflation. The hole was near or on the seam. Then I had another one go in wife's mountain bike, in same way. So it seems to be an issue across sizes. All Michelin btw.

Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

Hi Nige,

Yes, I've had two go in exactly the same place on the tube - just past the valve on the inner seam. The hole is not on the join of the two ends of the tube but an inch or two back, where the overlap ends.

One went while I was riding into town, the other while I was driving with the bike in the back!

Both supplied by Mr Stafford, I think! But he has also had issues. With the tubes.


Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

Are you using them in a 29er tyre? Do you talk them properly before fitting?
I've not had this issue but the area that touches the rim (not the tyre) can go a bit mould/manky and look quite stressed. I wander if the tube is perishing and causing failure?

Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

Are you using them in a 29er tyre? Do you talk them properly before fitting?
I've not had this issue but the area that touches the rim (not the tyre) can go a bit mould/manky and look quite stressed. I wander if the tube is perishing and causing failure?

Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

I agree with Duncan(!!!???)

Use talcum powder to reduce friction between tyre and tube, then it won't stick and get stressed around the joins, with the potential to come unbonded.

A very simple, old-skool method of maintenance.

Yes, maintenance. That's different to repair or replacement.

My 2p


Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

i read this thread from the top and was ready to chime in about Paul Stafford and his problems in exactly the same place.

he suspected his issue "may" have related to using a 26" tube in a 29" wheel.

if he is telling the "Truth" then he is now tubeless.

it is interesting that the new tubes passed on to PT had the same issue, i assume on a 26" Tom?

i used Mitchelin Latex for years and NEVER had one fail in THIS way and sorry Mark T, i never did any maintenance with Talc or Talked the tubes in. i just pumped them up and rode till they went soft too often or punctured, then swapped for new ones.

it realy sounds like an issue caused by a defect in the latex either in the manufacture process or caused by the bonding process...... but what do i know, i'm tubless and proud.

Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

Yes, Pat - 26" tubes on 26" wheels in my case. I don't talc my tubes either (these were relatively young tubes and still had a modicum of talc on them)and, just like you, never had any burst in the place where these went.

Definitely not mouldy either, so I'm of the defect school of thought.

I recently purchased some talc for, well, you know, so may follow Mark and Duncan's advice. About using it on the latex tube, I mean.


Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

The issue is more likely to be exacerbated by the extra stress of stretching a 26" tube to fill a 29" tyre.

The talc helps, although I suspect most of us have stop giving a sh!t now and gone tubeless...

Re: Latex inner tubes doing strange things??

I just fill um with water and ram em up me arse like, All casual, nooo messin!
Listening to Katy Lied......RIP Walter Becker, top bloke hallo bannana