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Miss Charming's Bar & Cocktail Forum

Welcome thirsty surfers! This forum is intended for cOol cats, hiP bartenders, tOtally rad surfer dudes, beer chuggin' bArflies, extraOrdinary servers, wacKy wannabe's, and all others interested in the marTini-drinking, shot-shoOting, jeTset, poP culture, fun-lOving, goOd-time, cocktail world. Jump right in. The water is fine.

Miss Charming's Bar & Cocktail Forum
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How can I get a job! I am desperate

I recently graduated bartending school. I fixed my resume following the examples you have in your website, which is great! but I have no experience at all.I just added guest bartender for one place that my school sent us for practice and I've been out there door to door. Two days ago I took the day off from work I went to 28 places and none of them where hiring they all say the same thing "Check back in the fall, we are settled for the summer" Of course I left my resume and business card to all the places I visited but I havent received a single call. I have a great personality, Look good but nothing seems to work. HEEEELP, I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

Re: How can I get a job! I am desperate

The best thing to do is find a place that's opening.

its just an easy way

hey gurl emcie here from phiippines..its so easy, all ya have to do is to know the formula.if youre interested just hit me up at or sign my guestbook at lookin forward to share somethin to ya