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Miss Charming's Bar & Cocktail Forum

Welcome thirsty surfers! This forum is intended for cOol cats, hiP bartenders, tOtally rad surfer dudes, beer chuggin' bArflies, extraOrdinary servers, wacKy wannabe's, and all others interested in the marTini-drinking, shot-shoOting, jeTset, poP culture, fun-lOving, goOd-time, cocktail world. Jump right in. The water is fine.

Miss Charming's Bar & Cocktail Forum
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Questions - How to get a job in bartending (rookie-Changing Careers)?

It was stated in a previous question on this forum not to put the bartending school on the application. My question is how do I get a job if I don't put it on there? I'm changing careers.

My background is as follows: Two Master's Degrees, 1 Bachelor's and working on a second in Computer animation. 18 years of work experience in teaching and accounting. I don't want to be overlooked. How do I market myself?

Since I have no experience, where do I look for work? Totally confused. If I don't have a resume, how will I be taken seriously?