ACW "The People's Words"

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ACW "The People's Words"
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ACW-NICW Referee Ric Petty's wife passes away

I would like for everyone to please keep referee Joel (Rick Petty) Cockram in your prayers as his wife (Penny) passed away unexpectedly this morning.
Penny was an awsome friend of mine and I will miss her so much.
I know that she would want everyone who knew her to be here for Joel now.
So hard to believe such a sweet and beautiful person was taken from us so soon in her life.

Re: ACW-NICW Referee Ric Petty's wife passes away

Every once in a while, I look on here to see what is new... I never expected to see this. Please send my thoughts and prayers to Joel and his family. Anyone that knows me, knows that Joel Cockram was a big and positive part of my life for a long time. He was actually responsible (with Eclipso, Jimmy Valiant and Richard "The Terminator" Ewers)for me breaking into the business. I have met few people with such a great personality and a passion for wrestling and life. I do not know the details of his wife's passing and never met her, but I am sure that this is a terrible time for Joel. I have not had the pleasure of seeing Joel in several years, so please pass my condolences when you see him next. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry for his loss.