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Historical pictures - Toyside Angwyn Archie

I am the proud owner of Welsh Sec D Toyside Angwyn Archie. I'm putting together a photographic pedigree and have managed to find photos of most of his ancestors. However I cannot find pictures of all of them and I'm really interested in seeing how much my boy resembles them. Does anyone know where I can find pictures of some of these welsh cobs:
Madeni Magic, Chancerie King Flyer, Thorneyside Magic Maid, Ross Black Prince, Hwylog briallen, Ietfach Black Velvet, Cefngarth Molly, Cefngarth Black Bess, Lady Welsh Flyer, Tyssul Valiant, Faelog Frolic, Twyford Dusky, Maesmynach Brenhiness
I have tried searching all the stud websites and pedigrees (including, which did have some great pics), but although I can find their lineage I cannot find pictures of them Can anyone help?
Thank you,