Send A Shannon E-Card!

Spread the word about Shannon Lawson!

Design your own Shannon Greeting Card and Send it to a friend on the Net. Step by step you will be shown how to construct a card. Once it is finished, you can preview it and decide if it needs any changes. Once you are happy with it, hit SEND and your friend will receive notification by e-mail that there is a Greeting Card waiting to be picked up.

These photo's were used with permission from Shannon Lawon. All rights reserved.

Image Selection
Text Input
Other Options
Preview and Send
Select the image for your Greeting Card from the scrollbox at right and preview your image below.
Click the image to select it for your card.

There are no images defined for this Greeting Card Service.

If you are the owner of the service, please use the Greeting Card manager in the Members Area to add pictures.

Get your own FREE E-Cards today! 
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