The "big" QUESTION is:

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Is there intelligent life in the Universe?
GOD is.
The Universe itself is a manifest Intelligence.
WE are the ultimate intelligence.
The Extraterrestrials are demonstrably superior.
Yes, somewhere. Probably.
No Opinion. --How would I know?
I don't understand the question.
I'll answer in the Advocate FREEDOM Forum.

Who are the proponents of One World Government?
The Rothschild/big banking/Illuminati interests.
Large Corporations
The Catholic Church
The CFR/socialist politician crowd.
A coalition of UN members who are ganging up on the US.
The first 5, in mutual co-operation.
The first 5, in contest with each other.
Unselfish, loving people all over the world, who only want the best for Humanity.
It's all a figment of the imagination of conspiracy theorists.
I'll answer in the Advocate FREEDOM Forum

Who spread Anthrax in the US?
Osama bin Laden's agents.
Some domestic radical screwball.
Some U.S. government agency.
Some other U.S. entity.
Saddam Hussein (Iraq)
I have no idea.
I'll discuss this in the Advocate FREEDOM Forum.

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