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support for OEC patients & caregivers in Beijing

Greetings from Beijing!

We are two American graduate students who have been living in Beijing since October 2004. We are volunteering as helpers and "cultural interpreters" for patients and their caregivers coming to Beijing for Dr. Huang's OEC surgery at Xishan Hospital.

We would like to let you know about the OEC patient support website that we have been working on. We are putting together an online handbook with detailed information about what to expect in Beijing and other practical matters that may be useful for patients and their caregivers. The link is:

We are happy to help patients and their families who are coming to Beijing for the OEC treatment (or thinking about coming). We are both fluent in English and Chinese, although we unfortunately cannot speak Dutch... but maybe you can teach us. =)

If anyone needs any assistance or just wants to talk with some friendly people in Beijing to get a sense of what things are like here, please feel free to visit our website or send us an email!

Best regards,
Priscilla and Joe