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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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"Your appointment destruction has been set" (Handmaid of the Most High; 7/28/24)

"Your appointment destruction has been set"
(Handmaid of the Most High; 7/28/24)

[This was sent from Elliot Hong. The original plus
scriptures can be found at LINK]



7/28/24 9:27 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
July 28, 2024, 8:32PM

Isaiah 44:6 KJV
Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer
the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and
beside me there is no God.

Revelation 6:7 KJV
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice
of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

Declare My Word to the People and Nations, I AM a God that
WILL NOT be Mocked!

The idols must fall. Your mockery knows no bounds but I AM
done with the nations and people’s that take the most beautiful
and sacred gifts that I have offered mankind and turned them
into mockery!

Paris, Francis, the gathered nations in her city, you will know
that the Lord, God, creator of man, will not continue to ignore
your works of darkness.

You think you are clever with all your illuminati symbolism as
you dress it up as entertainment for the people gathered to
worship the world’s most talented athletes. How you worship
the human body is no different than those whom I destroyed
with my righteous right hand! You have learned nothing from
the past. Your idolatry of man’s achievements and capabilities
will result in you being scattered just as I did in Babel.

You are far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Their acts of evil
stirred my wrath and I wiped them off the face of the earth. This
very day, the balls of sulfur remain as a testimony to my power
and their annihilation.

Do you think you will be spared? You don’t know me! How your
stench rises day and night before me. You are putrid and your
smell is like a thousand rotting corpses in the desert at high
noon. I will not tolerate you much longer. I have given you
warnings after warnings and yet, you don’t even seem to notice.
It is not on your “radar” because I AM is not trending on your
social media.


Your destruction has been planned. It is imminent. It is awaiting
the declaration by Me to commence. You will not be laughing

You won’t see it coming!

Though many pray for your redemption by repentance, you
have hardened your hearts beyond it. You are stiff-necked
people, who take pride in human achievements do not recognize
that I AM behind these creations. They ascend from the dirt and
my breath. Yet, few among them realize that their achievements
are only possible through My Divine power. I gave them breathe,
I gave them the genetics which made them capable of their
achievements. Many of them put aside any acknowledgement of
Me as they focused on rigorous training to be better physically.
But what does that matter, when they have neglected their spirit
and their decision for eternity?

Go on, keep running to and fro to get the best seat in the house.
Your pleasure will be fleeting, it will mean little when you spend
eternity in hell. Have a good time, mock Me some more, embrace
the apocalypse by showcasing and acknowledgement that a third
of the population, who will soon be taken in death as no more
significant than an electronic marvel, continue to admire these
demonically possessed entertainers, as you follow them into
darkness. Do not fear the darkness, for that is where you have
been spending your time already, eschewing my light and my
power, you have made the absolute worse choice of any life time.
But what do you care, you got to see Beyonce, Snoop Dog and
Lady Gaga, so it must be worth it…

My mercy has been stretched beyond that I have offered the worst
converted sinner, yet, you think nothing of it.

You have embraced evil. Evil shall you have!


Brothers and Sisters, repent. This is no idle threat. This Word is
backed up by Old and New Testament in many different books.
If you have read His Word, you know that final days are here and
we have been tested over and over.

Will we have faith? Will we honor God or our flesh? Will we repent
and ask the Creator, to cleanse us and find us worthy of eternal
salvation as a follower of His Son?

Know this, that the evil that is coming is going to challenge even
the most devote among us. This is no game. I can not offer you
cozy words like some of your favorite false prophets, for I fear
the Living God and they do not.

Re: "Your appointment destruction has been set" (Handmaid of the Most High; 7/28/24)

This is the ultimate battle between Good v. Evil. Choose a side,
make sure you have chosen wisely. Jesus is worthy of everything
you have, even your life. Are you willing to be obedient? Are you
willing to loose your earthly life to gain heaven? This is the final
lap around the field. Will you finish the race representing Christ?

Understand, that the Elites are telling you that they are going to
unleash deadly disease upon the earth. I believe this will begin
in late summer or early fall. In a Prophecy given me around 3/2020,
the Holy Spirit spoke that the next world wide disease would be
the one to fear, not the “C” virus! You must prepare spiritually,
mentally and physically. Build up your immune system, devote
more time in the word, pray more. If the Lord shows you anything,
no matter how big of small, take care of it! Do not delay.

Remember, Our Redeemer Lives!

Re: "Your appointment destruction has been set" (Handmaid of the Most High; 7/28/24)

Thank you Calvin, for the dire warning. I pray the masses will yet wake up! HIS coming is any moment...

Re: "Your appointment destruction has been set" (Handmaid of the Most High; 7/28/24)

I wonder if it comes around Labor Day or Columbus Day in USA????