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Isaiah 62:6

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day or night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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Dec 7, 2024 Weekend Sermon (Dockidds)

Greetings Dear Friends,

This message centers on the truth revealed in the Word of God. My intention is not to impose my beliefs on you but to share the unaltered teachings of the Bible. Ultimately, the decision to accept and follow these truths rests with you.

The Bible reminds us in Philippians 2:12 to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling," stressing the weight of eternity. This message addresses the fundamental question that affects us all: Will we spend eternity in heaven or hell?

Imagine being a dedicated employee at a company or a loyal servant to a leader. Over time, you reject their vision, announcing that you no longer support their goals and wish to leave. Would they allow you to stay or part ways with you?

This analogy illustrates a spiritual reality. If we, as believers, reject God and turn away from our faith, can we still expect to inherit eternal life? The Bible challenges us to examine this deeply.

Consider the story of a devoted missionary. For over 30 years, he faithfully served Christ, leading thousands to salvation. Then tragedy struck—his wife passed away suddenly. Overwhelmed by grief and anger, he renounced his faith, declared himself an atheist, and publicly rejected Christ. Shortly after, he died.

This story raises a critical question: Where is this man now? Some might argue he was never a true believer, but his years of unwavering faith and works suggest otherwise. However, at the end of his life, he openly rebelled against God.

The Bible teaches that one sin is unforgivable: blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:29). But what happens to someone who entirely rejects God before death? This question has eternal implications, and it deserves careful consideration.

Many believe that once saved, they are guaranteed a place in heaven, regardless of their actions, or faith afterward. But what if that belief is mistaken? The stakes couldn't be higher—eternity is at risk.

Hell is described in the Bible as a place of torment, separation from God, and unending suffering (Matthew 25:41). Unlike earthly mistakes, there are no second chances after death. If you base your salvation on incomplete teachings or selectively chosen scriptures, you risk eternal separation from God.

The devil's goal is to deceive, drawing people away from the truth of God's Word. This is why we study the Bible diligently and seek its full counsel.

Some might wonder, "If I've already been saved, do I still need to repent?" The answer is clear: Would Jesus ever condemn someone for repenting and seeking forgiveness? Absolutely not! Repentance is a cornerstone of our faith and vital for maintaining our relationship with God.

For years, I relied solely on teachings from pastors without reading the Word. Over time, I developed discernment and committed myself to studying the Bible thoroughly. Now I ask Jesus to forgive my sins, draw me closer to Him, and guide me according to His will. This practice has brought me peace and strengthened my relationship with Christ.

If repentance were displeasing to God, I would accept His judgment when I meet Him. However, the Bible clearly states that repentance brings us closer to Him and aligns us with His will (1 John 1:9).

Heaven and hell are not abstract concepts. They are real, eternal destinations. Once someone enters hell, there is no escape or second chance. Hell is as everlasting as heaven, and both are unchanging.

The Bible warns us against complacency. Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father" (Matthew 7:21).

What does it mean to do the will of God? It begins with faith in Christ, obedience to His Word, and a commitment to repentance. God's grace is abundant, but it does not absolve us of the responsibility to live holy lives.

Each of us must decide where we place our trust. Will we rely on the full counsel of the Bible, or will we lean on human interpretations and incomplete teachings? This decision holds eternal consequences.

The Bible is clear from Genesis to Revelation. Building faith on a few isolated verses is dangerous. Instead, seek a comprehensive understanding of scripture. Pray earnestly, study diligently, and ask God for discernment.

The signs of the end times are all around us, pointing to the imminent rapture. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. If you are not saved or have strayed from the faith, now is the time to repent. Seek Jesus with urgency and commit to living in His will.

Jesus Christ is our only hope. He desires a personal relationship with each of us and rejoices when we turn to Him in repentance and faith. If you have never accepted Christ or have drifted away, I urge you to pray today. Ask Him for forgiveness and follow Him.

Re: Dec 7, 2024 Sermon from Dockidds

Heaven is too glorious to miss, and hell is too terrible to risk. This decision—your choice—will shape your eternity. As the Bible urges, make it with "fear and trembling."

If you would like prayer, guidance, or someone to talk to, contact me. I pray daily for those who are seeking Christ. I want to see you in heaven, rejoicing together for eternity.

Take this message to heart and share it with others. Seek the Lord while He may be found, and remember: Our redemption draws near. May God bless you and draw you closer to Him. Amen!