
Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Summer 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Help! So a month ago or so I took the rear wheel of my full sus to the bike shop as the freehub was bust. They replaced it but I haven't ridden it since. I have now tried to put the wheel in but the chain does not seem to have "room" to go around freely when in the smallest cog. It is the same if I put this wheel into my hardtail. However, if I put the wheel from my hardtail into either bike it is fine.

Comparing the two wheels, it's like there is a bit of the freehub sticking out a couple of mm from the cassette on the working wheel but not on the other one.

Could the bike shop have put in the wrong size freehub or done something wrong or am I being somehow thick?? I have tried taking the cassette off and on again on the dodgy wheel but can't see anything wrong.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

As you say, it sounds like the free hub is a different size offset to the original.
I have "bodged" a fix in the past by fitting an extra lock nut, but I'd suggest taking it back to the shop if you can.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Thanks Pat I will take it back! Grrrrr. Most annoying.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Sounds like the wrong free hub body to me. Stoopid bike shop. If you need advice, call me (if it's Shimano).

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

I took it back.
"ooh must've been Gary wot did that I didn't do it - he's not in today I'll have to ask him what he's done tomorrow"

OK guys you all blame each other and then get back to me when you finally come to the same conclusion as me - one of you, I don't care which, fitted an 8 speed freehub to my 9 speed wheel.


Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

I hope they don't come on here and see me calling them nobbers (they are though)

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

who are you calling a nobber?

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Sorry Gary! (*cough* Tony)

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

WTF? You think 8sp and 9sp freehubs are different?

7sp is shorter, a bit like you.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Is that true? Are they the same?

PS who you calling short? *puts on platforms and stands on tiptoe*

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Yep - 8, 9 and 10 sp cassettes all fit on the same width freehub.

7 sp is not as wide in the freehub, but the mainhub is wider and the wheel is less dished.


PS Can you ride on Space Mountain yet?

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Space Mountain, never heard Ade called that before!
You're so funny Nobber!

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

You're quite clever though. How do you hold all this geeky bike stuff in your brain?

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

The answer is in the question, oh vertically challenged one.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Well they've fixed it (they got the spacers wrong)

But I'm not going back again any time soon as they've pissed me off by generally being quite grumpy and having no customer service.

Sorry but I am grumpy. Are there any bike shops around Cambridge who aren't grumpy buggers and won't talk to me like I'm an idiot?? (and DON'T say anything Mr Nobber, I know, I know...)

Also guess what? I've broken the freehub on my hardtail wheel now! Am I going to have to fix it myself? It will end in tears won't it.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

I can recommend some very good mechanics in Cambridge, with exceptional customer service. They're not always where you'd expect to find them either.
Email me or text and I'll give you the lowdown.

m dot tallack at ntlworld dot com
07899 965536

Many people in Cambridge have low expectations of their bikes. Inevitably they'll end up being stolen, so are reluctant to spend good money fixing or replacing. The level of mechanical/technical ability in too many bike shops reflects this. The vast majority of workshop income is from sub £200 bikes. However, there are still plenty of skilled, conscientious bike mechanics out there.
There are a lot of different bikes, and technology moves pretty quickly, so it's almost impossible to know everything. However, there are one or two people with the enthusiasm and skills to do a good job.

Oh, and before anybody starts, this post is borne of the desire to be helpful, nothing more. I have lived in Cambridge far longer than many users of this forum, ridden bikes for longer than that, and worked in the bike trade for 15 years. I don't have an agenda.

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Hi Mark,
thanks loads, Simon has passed on a recommendation from you that is pretty local to me, so I am going to check them out.
Sorry for having a rant!

Re: Help guys - wtf is wrong with my wheel?

Justified rants are perfectly acceptable!