Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

Click on the "return to website" button to see our new website with loads more details of who we are, where and when we ride and much more.



  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Winter 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Summer Runslist

Hi All,

I've put April's rides up and I'm just formatting the others to put the whole six months up there.

Back soon - I hope that you can bear the wait.


Re: Summer Runslist

All up now! We'd appreciate it if you'd let us know if any of the pubs close or become hostile to MTB'ers.

We would also appreciate it if some ride leaders would like to have a go - there are still two "Show Us Yours" to allocate and a few rides where a local resident is an obvious leader. The ride to Cottenham, for example, would obviously be allocated to Alison.

Mike T and Tony - please check out the dates that we've allocated to you and, if you can't make them, we'll shuffle things about.

Hope you like Dom's new photo. Keep them coming during the summer and I'll try to post them up - please keep them to about 1MB maximum.


The Coven (Duncan, Tom and Paul)

Re: Summer Runslist

Pale Rider
The ride to Cottenham, for example, would obviously be allocated to Alison.

How very dare you!

Re: Summer Runslist

That date should be fine for me.

Last night in Quy we discovered that the White Swan has a quiz night on Tuesdays, so the pub was rammed. The next visit there is a Thursday, so shouldn't be a problem, but I see there are a couple of Milton visits on Thursdays which is when the White Horse has a quiz. I'd recommend the pub for a visit, but only on Tuesdays - fortunately there three other pubs to choose from!

Re: Summer Runslist

Hi All - I can't frolic on 6th May but can manage 29th April (at the moment).

14th August should be OK for a BIG adventure but it might be preferable to avoid summer holidays in ordder to get a bigger turnout.

Does anyone have any views? Early July or Mid August for a competitive ride?

Re: Summer Runslist

I have seen your www page before and hopefully next week I'll be more organized to buy some lights and a helmet and try join you for an outing

I just wonder how many of you usually go
and maybe ??? you can give me an example of the route you would ride? and the distances you do?,..sorry I just trying to work out how fit I has to be...

Thanks and hope I see you soon.


Re: Summer Runslist

Hiya, just come out and give it a try!

Distance and speed varies depending a lot on conditions and enthusiasm. This time of year ride will be 25 miles ish (to the pub, then you have to get back) I would guess? Time taken would be 2 - 2.5 hrs.

Here is a less enthuasiastic more winter style ride Less Enthusiastic

I haven't been out since the weather's got a bit better and since I got my garmin so haven't got a long one to post, but we would probably go further than that at the moment.

Re: Summer Runslist

thanks Claire!! thanks for the map. I also got some more information from Tony.