
Cam MTB - the Cambridge Mountain Bikers' Forum

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  • Wear a helmet. Despite recent advances in medical science, brains still cannot be mended nor replaced.
  • Wear gloves or mitts. Hands often hit the ground first. Cuts and grazes invite infection and a hospital visit.
  • Wear eye protection, it only takes a twig or thorn to lose an eye. Crud catchers are a good idea in mucky weather.
  • When downhilling, for your own protection, allow plenty of space behind the rider in front.
  • Bring a bare minimum emergency tool kit and a spare inner tube.
  • Breakdowns are a bore. Plan not to have any by ensuring your bike is in perfect working order.
  • Punctures are also tedious. You can minimise them by fitting latex tubes, slime tubes or running tubeless tyres.
  • Don't ride too close to the person in front. If they crash into a badger, you'll need time to swerve.

Photo: CAMMTB Summer 2024 rides have been posted up - please click on the Runs List link.

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Train out, bike back

As per my other message, Is anyone claiming the train and bike night?
If not, I would like to... but can't do Tuesday.
Would love to do a Baldock (really nice ride back, not difficult) on the Thursday?!?

Tony seems up for Thursday, anyone else?

Re: Train out, bike back

Yarp, me.


Re: Train out, bike back

I will be doing the normal ride from Brookside that night. I have a friend in from the US, who will ride as well. Enjoy.

Re: Train out, bike back

Why dont you ride from Baldock to Melbourn?
We could go to the Green Man at Shepreth or a Melbourn pub?

Re: Train out, bike back

Hi Duncan, I can do next Thursday, and it would be brilliant if we could do Baldock and back - really pleasant route as I recall.

Re: Train out, bike back

Yeah, c'mon Cliff!! There are some real hills involved.


Re: Train out, bike back

bugger, i'm on call next week so cant make it out.

Re: Train out, bike back

Just back from my Reading to Eastbourne and back shinanighans?!?
Does anyone fancy a train out bike back this Thursday? Was Tuesday enough? Did you not go out Tuesday and would like to do something similar? Is Thriplow and Duxford too much to take in one week??
Weather is still tip top.
What about a train out to Baldock then train back to Cambridge, Shepreth, Foxton, shelford etc or wherever you need to get too? Drive/train to Royston/Therfield Fox and Duck and back?
I'm easy?!?

Re: Train out, bike back

I'm still game. Done no research on train times but am sure something is doable

Re: Train out, bike back

The 18:56 gets to Baldock at 19:27.

Have a good one, it was a cracking ride back from Elsenham on Tuesday.

Re: Train out, bike back

18.47 from Cambridge North is the same train for the Northerners amongst us.

Re: Train out, bike back

What pub will you end at? I'm riding from Brookside, but happy to meet halfway then ride back to pub. Grantchester perhaps?

Re: Train out, bike back

Cambridge North
Great Northern
40 minutes Calling points
18:56 Cambridge Station
19:06 Foxton
19:09 Shepreth
19:12 Meldreth
19:17 Royston
19:22 Ashwell & Morden
19:27 Baldock

I'm planning to join at Shepreth - hopefully Duncan will do the same

Cliff - you could always get on at Meldreth!

Re: Train out, bike back

Thanks Pete - really useful info.


Re: Train out, bike back

Yes I'll get the train from Shepreth with Pete.
How about the Green Man in Shepreth or Oak in Barrington?

Re: Train out, bike back

Im riding back to Cambridge to make sure my friend gets back to his place. Would prefer pub closer to town. Maybe better if we just do our own thing.

Re: Train out, bike back

I'm aiming to catch the train from Cambridge so will be biking back there too, Cliff.


Re: Train out, bike back

Two routes
Usual one 24.5 to Barrington or a rather nice extention I found last year which adds 2 miles totalling 26.5 miles Any feelings one way or the other?

Re: Train out, bike back

Im riding back to Cambridge to make sure my friend gets back to his place. Would prefer pub closer to town. Maybe better if we just do our own thing.

Hi Cliff, in the past we have struggled to make a pub for last orders so the further south it is the better! (Mind you I may have been thinking of an Elsenham ride where that happened?)

Re: Train out, bike back

I will also be riding back into town. And most of the way out the other side.

Re: Train out, bike back

Hmm. I was planning to ride from town as per usual as the train is a bit early for me but hold on, let me see.

Ah, I notice tha Cliff is doing htis, so it looks like i'll be joining you !