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Re: (P. 12) WET MARS


Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Well. What to say to that? So what this hyperspace time machine does is creates a magnetic field so large that the... spacecraft disappears into a new dimension. And in this dimension the light can travel faster. And then when this engine is swtiched off the spaceship will return in the current dimension. This sounds a lot like the book series "The Golden Compass" the characters use the 'Subtle Knife' cut cut holes into other dimensions. Actually, recalling that book, it does have a lot of physics background. It relates to the many worlds theory too. I think in the book her father was a scientist of somesort and he creatd a machine that was powered by the magnetic fields of the nothern lights and it could travel to different parts of time. I dont remember it exactly but it sounds like it sort of travel that relates to this topic.

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

My brain hurts after reading that!


Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

apparently they found water on one of saturns moons i think it was..

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Yeah, the found water vapor on Enceladus, one of Saturn's smaller moons.


Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Does this moon happen to have an atmosphere? because i think that would be required for any form of life to develop? am i right?

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Using the instrument-packed Cassini probe, they have confirmed that the 500km-wide moon has an atmosphere.


Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

would you happen to know what types of gases are present in this atmosphere? i wonder if its possible for organisms to develop and rely on other gases. Like for example an animal that requires nitrogen instead of oxygen to survive

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Im pretty sure I read about it being formed of mainly nitrogen... I could be thinking of Titan (another of Saturn's moons)

If I find the article, I'll post it.


Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

do organisms really need oxygen to survive? is it possible that anerobic bacteria an plants can live on a planet, moon, comet, ect that doesn't have an atmosphere or that has an atmosphere lacking in oxygen

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

yeah you would think that the organisms in space wouldnt exactly need oxygen to survive...but thats nuts about the living things on mars being there but being invisible to us...was that in the wuli book somewhere...or where did you read that?

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

i dont think its in Wu-Li... its just a question iv always had... and i see im not alone ... its kinda like how we need oxygen but plants need CO2... maybe other animals on other planets survive off another gas like nitrogen.

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

maybe they survive off billions of microrganisms that live off there

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

I believe that there was life on mars a long long time ago because of the evidence of the different minerals that were found on the surface of the plaint. And now if the water is all under ground the question is what cased it to be there and why is there no water on the surface any more. Also is there living organisms and maybe even some intelligent things that live under the surface. You also have to think maybe mars was like earth is now but the things that lived on it destroyed the surface because of all of the pollution they created.

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Well, I guess if anything about every happens to Earth (knock on wood) we could always colonize Mars(although it has a thin atmosphere and colder than Earth) But, I say if you can live in Edmonton you can live anywhere

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

And about the living things on mars being there but being invisible to us I assumed that if “the many worlds theory “can be applied on earth why not on mars? Remember when Mr. C was taking about how dinosaurs might still right now on earth “in other world” or parallel world. Well if you remember this theory supports the idea that the probability wavefunction does not collapse but all the outcomes exist and continue their existence in other worlds but we can never encounter any of these other infinite worlds, that’s why I said “they might be invisible to us and there’s no way to prove it”. So if life ever existed in mars, I think there might be a possibility that some kind of life is present in “other world”. This is all theoretically speaking of course or some people might just call it nuts

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

So does that mean in some other world us as humans have already landed on Mars. does that mean that we are already living on Mars? This many worlds theroy brings about many questions.

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

I remember hearing on the news like 3 days ago that the US had landed I believe it was a camera on Mars, and they were trying to figure out if there was water or something like that, or maybe if the conditions were right to send man up there. That would be scary, I'm pretty sure Mars isn't a place where you can live, but if things changed in some abnormal way, how weird but kind of cool would it be to live on another planet?

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

well, there could be other people somewhere else wondering if we exist...

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

Ya that is so true maybe there is a parallel universe of us in another galaxy on the complete opposite side of the universe. And they could be thinking the same thing as we are. Well I guess that it could always be like in the movie “the one” where there were 7 different universes of the exact same thing just with some differences like jobs and other things like that. And we have just not found out if that is possible or not and if it is true we have not reached a high enough level of technology to communicate with the other universes or worlds.

Re: (P. 12) WET MARS

That is really hard to understand..well it is is just hard to grasp. There could totally be another planent or universe with people like us...I wonder if humanity will ever find out. Maybe not in my lifetime...but in my grandchildren's lifetime...I really don't know.