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Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

This is like the material they used for the costumes in the movies The Incredibles and in the movie The Fantastic Four.Its about time NASA caught up to the movies .

Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

Maybe that's where they get all their is really the creators of those movies who are unique in their is those people who have all the brains!

Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

well the dreamers are the people who come up with the ideas.. the scientists are the ones who make it happen.. so without dreamers we dont really have much

Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

Ya with out dreamers we would not have I-Pods TV’s radio computer indoor pluming all the stuff we take for granted. And it is true that if the dreams never came up with the ideas the scientists would have had nothing to build and design.

Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

its human instinct! if your in space and your having troubles manoeuvering around then of course your going to try and find something that will make your movements a little smoother. its trial and error, people will continually try new ideas and designs in order to improve the task so that's its easier for themselves, since it all comes down to the selfish desires of humans

Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

We are not selfish we just step over anything and do whatever it takes to get things done. And ya why would we not create something that might make it easer to go into space to do different types of repairs on different satellites.

Re: pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap

Ya true...I wonder how much this thing is going to cost..sometimes I sit back and think where else this money could be going...but then again they may discover something super important that may benefit the world...I would rather see millions of dollars go into science and technology than to see a hockey, baseball, or football player get paid that much.