ACW "The People's Words"

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ACW "The People's Words"
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Re: How about Frank Parker ?

Thanks for the update… I’ll be sure to add your tidbits to my hotline.

However, I believe that you lost your creditability by saying that that you considered the “Southern Wrecking Crew” as the hottest tag-team around in any promotion at one time. I really enjoyed watching those red necks but I would never consider them to be great… That would be like saying that Fritz guy was a great TV champion…. But to each his own.

As for Mike Williams: Sure he held the “Universal” Title for a time. Let’s compare his reign to the Eclipso’s… I wouldn’t even consider Williams to have a “nudge” much less a push. Williams screams talent. ACW had no idea of what they had and if they did then they would have had much more Marks in attendance than their typical number of 50 which included the family members of wrestlers.

I was backstage at the Raw that you are in reference to. I remember seeing Anderson look like a wet doll when taking the Dooms Day Device from the LOD. He took it well and I thought they had a quick but nice showing. That representation in itself should have made these two dominate ACW in any and every appearance that they made (despite wrestling in WV or SWVA). My only message on this feeble site is that I think ACW is a great promotion… it just needs to some better marketing and decisions.

I think I’ll go back to sleep so that I can continue my dreams. I’m sure when I wake up then you will help me get my facts straight once again.

This is Mean Gean signing off. Thanks for allowing me to give you the hard questions and tough answers.

Re: How about Frank Parker ?

Sorry guys , i didn't mean to cause such a stir. I have always been a fan of "good wrestling" and in my opinion ACW was very very good at one time. I haven't attended any ACW shows for several years now. So i have no idea what kind of talent they have now. But i do miss the good ol days of ACW with guys like Frank and Roger Anderson. Speaking of those guys I do believe they had more than 1 WWE match. I remember seeing them wrestle the Road Warriors in Roanoke as well as the Hardy Boyz somewhere in TN. I also remember seeing Frank wrestle Mankind twice. Frank also wrestled for Smokey Mountain and TNA as well as doing tours of Mexico. Anyway , i would love to see ACW bring back the good ol days. Perhaps then i would start attending more shows.

Re: How about Frank Parker ?

The rumor i am hearing is that Frank has been stripped of the NAW title and is no longer wrestling for them. Any chance the powers that be in ACW might be interested in bringing in Frank ? Personally , i would pay any price to see Boris -vs- Frank.

Re: How about Frank Parker ?

ACW doesn't know the story behind Frank Parker as you may know since the other group has tried to come into our towns and confuse the fans into thinking they were ACW by running the school that we ran in, anyhow we haven't been what you say on speaking terms.
We have heard the same as you just rumors from Frank not even knowing he was booked for them to him being shorted on his pay from the last show, we heard he was wrestling in west va. that night.This concerns us as if they knew he was booked else where, why did they say on their message board he would be defending the title in the main event, also BabyDoll was in the newspaper that she would wrestle their women's champion in the main event and that match didn't happen either, and we're just hoping that all indy wrestling will get a bad name from them doing false ads, we do know that it states card subject to change....but should not give any promotion the right to change almost the whole card, you should do your best if possible to at the least have your main events or tell the fans before the event that you're not.
But as for your question we would love to have Frank work some events, Sgt. Nelson would love to work Frank or even Scotty Rocker for the title so he could get a break from Eclipso, Blaze, Steel, and Wentworth........really he could even use their help against these wrestlers, but all in all Frank is a very good wrestler and keeps himself busy working all over, so it really is up to Frank if he's interested in working for ACW, Scott Blaze has returned for awhile so maybe Frank would to.

Re: How about Frank Parker ?

Frank Parker is an incredible talent that does nothing but make the talent level on a show that much better.

I'd love to see Frank back in ACW. It has been MANY years since he has been there. Even longer than it was for me before my return.

Frank and I have had battles all up and down the east coast over the last 10+ years. Every time just as good if not better than the last.

Frank is indeed a one in a million talent and that is why he stays so busy as there are SO many promotions out there that want him to work for them.

Hopefully one day soon, I and the fans can see him in an ACW ring!

And HOPEFULLY, it will be me standing across from him!