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Sardar (1993 Movie ) Hindi DVD RIP - Biography Of Sardar Patel
Sardar (1993 Movie ) Hindi DVD RIP - Biography Of Sardar Patel > Sardar (1993 Movie ) Hindi DVD RIP - Biography Of Sardar Patel, The.Lying.Game.S02E04.HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi b92c5eb40e Direct...
Views: 270   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 22, 2016 6:03pm
by quynbroo
Sardar (1993 Movie ) Hindi DVD RIP - Biography Of Sardar Patel
Sardar (1993 Movie ) Hindi DVD RIP - Biography Of Sardar Patel > Sardar (1993 Movie ) Hindi DVD RIP - Biography Of Sardar Patel, The.Lying.Game.S02E04.HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi b92c5eb40e Direct...
Views: 189   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 22, 2016 5:56pm
by quynbroo
Desene Animate Printesa Sofia Intai In Romana
Desene Animate Printesa Sofia Intai In Romana > Desene Animate Printesa Sofia Intai In Romana, free_activation_key_for_youwave_2.3.4_for_android-adds 97ffa81d91 elf on the shel...
Views: 307   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 16, 2014 5:26am
by janytyose
Wu-Li Other Dimensions
i was just reading the book and i came across pg.92 where it refers back to the photon experiment in that if photon goes through slit 1 the detector fires and he runs upstairs, and if the photon goes through slit 2 the 2nd detector fires and he runs downstairs. ther...
Views: 523   Replies: 29
Last Post: Mar 20, 2006 10:19pm
by stephanie
Journey to the Outer Limits - pg. 53
"NASA's New Horizons spacecraft sets off to explore distant Pluto, the tiny would that challenges everything we know about the solar system." I think conquering "the 3.3-Billion-Mile road to Pluto" will be a huge accomplishment for human beings and I find it v...
Views: 661   Replies: 31
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 10:45am
by Landon Caouette
(P. 12) WET MARS
“An infrared scanner aboard the probe detected scattered deposits of water minerals”; “The presence of a thick 100 mile wide puddle of ice in a hidden crater, detectable only via radar, is buried one mile beneath a region where liquid water seems on...
Views: 620   Replies: 36
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 9:19am
by Amanda Koshka
pg. 72 Good-bye Bubble Suits, Hello Shrink-Wrap
This is an interesting article as it talks about a suit that is designed to go into space and it looks like sleek spandex. It is quite an advantage because is is much lighter than the huge bubble suits the astronauts had to wear before. You can still sort of skip i...
Views: 510   Replies: 12
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 9:14am
by Amanda Koshka
pg. 11 The Sensitive Side of the Unicorn Whale
The unicorn whale has this tusk that I would of definitely thought was a defense mechanism. But it is actually like a tooth that is exposed (without gums and everything)....and it is sensitive to things such as temperature and you guys know of any other an...
Views: 450   Replies: 5
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 8:51am
by Amanda Koshka
Wu-LI : General talk
i was just wondering ...for all those reading the wu-li .. if you have become more aware of (for exmaple) the presence of photons and atoms...and all that good stuff they talk about... i know i have..and its weird to think about like thinking about how everythi...
Views: 636   Replies: 18
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 8:48am
by Amanda Koshka
pg. 13 Doomsday Odds Calculated
Good news!! The world is apparently safe from being destroyed by a particle accelerator!! We are all safe right? According to Tegmark and Bostrom, a planet is destroyed every billion years by a natural cause...thank goodness that is not in our life time!! But could...
Views: 583   Replies: 17
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 8:42am
by Amanda Koshka
Survive the Plague - pg 18
"A vaccine grown in tobacco plants helps guinea pigs survive the plague. Genetic engineering transforms a virus that usually causes the plants' leaves to shrivel into one that makes them produce pharmaceuticals." After reading this, it made me think abou...
Views: 502   Replies: 17
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 8:39am
by Amanda Koshka
Wu-Li Black Holes
I found very interesting that if the black hole is not rotating, the object will be pulled directly to the center of the black hole (the singularity), where the object is “squeezed out of existence or zero volume". So then does this mean that the object stretch...
Views: 578   Replies: 23
Last Post: Mar 19, 2006 8:36am
by Amanda Koshka
how to beat the global heat pg.10
after reading this article i started to think about the importance of lowering greenhouse emmisions and the kyoto accord. i'm sure many people think it is a great idea and many countries have adopted it but what actions have they taken. would you be willing to pay...
Views: 631   Replies: 34
Last Post: Mar 18, 2006 5:34pm
by Amanda Koshka
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